The Best Research Project
I’m in the middle of an argument with a friend where he says that Korean girls are the most beautiful of the Asian ethnicities and I am saying Japanese girls are.
Of course it ultimately boils down to personal taste but in this case I have to concede that I have not been making my argument all that adamantly because I have not really considered it before and as such I set out on a bit of a research project, one of the most fun ones I have ever taken on might I add.
It is when I discovered this JAV Hub discount for up to 67% in savings that I got stuck on studying Japanese girls for longer than I anticipated.
If it wasn’t for the fact that I now haven’t even gotten to checking out the Korean honeys yet I may have insisted at this point that Japanese girls are the hottest because the girls on this site is insanely hot. I am really going to have to make a trip to the land of the rising sun at some point.